April 8, 2014

Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor + Giveaway

Dreams of Gods and Monsters releases today and I am ecstatic!


The wait for the final installment of this trilogy has been an eternity and it's finally over.

Look at the pretty cover.

Isn't it beautiful?

Doesn't it scream Read Me?!

I cannot wait to devour it.

If it's anything like the first two books in the series, it's going to leave me bereft when it's all over.

But, I'm looking forward to sitting down and revisiting:
  • the writing in these books. Laini Taylor's writing is beautifully specific and full of feeling.
  • the world that Karou and Brimstone and Akiva inhabit. It's achingly vivid and feels so real that it's palpable in my mouth.
  • Karou and Zuzana's friendship. They are really the best friends that every girl should have. They treat each other with love, loyalty, and understanding. I wish they were real people!
  • the humor in these books. It's my kind of humor: one part cheese, one part audacity, and one part nerd, with a little sprinkling of smirk thrown in here and there.
  • the epic love story. Gah, the love story! And hate story. And love story. There are many love stories in these books.

I love this trilogy so much that I want other people to fall in love with it too. So, in celebration of DOGAM's release day, I'm giving away one copy of Daughter of Smoke and Bone. It's the first book in the series and maybe it'll incite the trilogy-love in someone else too.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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